
Rudi Schmid, 22 Feb 2003,
in his garden with some friends

- date planted-
center and far left: Cordyline australis (AGA/DRA) 9/93
far left, behind: columnar cactus (CAC) - 1987?
far left, foreground: Dasylirion wheeleri (AGA/DRA) 8/91
lower left: Trichodiadema bulbosa (AIZ) 9/88
below center: Crassula ovata (C. argentea) (CRA) 5/92
center right: Stetsonia coryne (CAC) 12/02
center right, behind: Ferocactus cylindraceus v. idem (CAC) 3/86
center right, foreground: Ferocactus cylindraceus v. idem (CAC) 3/86
left of Rudi's shoe: Trichodiadema bulbosa (AIZ) 9/88
lower right: Pleiospilos bolusii (AIZ) 9/88
close background: Monstera deliciosa (ARA) pre-1982
(photo by Mena Schmid)


Blake Garden, University of California
Mediterranean Climate Gardening throughout the world
Timber Press, Portland: The preeminent publisher of horticultural books

And now, to see how far we've come...

Rudi Schmid, 30 May 1997,
in his garden with some younger friends

- date planted-
far left, upper: columnar cactus (CAC) - 1987?
far left, middle: Dasylirion wheeleri (AGA/DRA) 8/91
far left, lower: Trichodiadema bulbosa (AIZ) 9/88
mid left, upper: Cordyline australis (AGA/DRA) 9/93
mid left, lower: Crassula ovata (C. argentea) (CRA) 5/92
left of Rudi, upper: Aloe brevifolia (LIL/ASP/ALO) 12/91
left of Rudi, middle: Crassula multicava (CRA) 7/92*
left of Rudi, lower: Ferocactus cylindraceus v. idem (CAC) 3/86
left of Rudi, bottom: Pleiospilos bolusii (AIZ) 9/88
close background: Monstera deliciosa (ARA) pre-1982
(photo by Jarkko Arjatsalo)
   *removed 1/03

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Last revised: Feb 2003.