Whether weather is good or bad:
AccuWeather | Weather Underground | The weather channelDon't miss the turn! (online mapping sites with driving directions):
Time and date.com for world dates and time (sunrise, sunset, etc.).
When it's good, go hiking in the TopoZone for topographic maps of the U.S.
And if it's a desert hike, look for wildflowers: Desert Wildflower Watch
MapQuest | MapBlast | Yahoo | AAA (members only)
Geobytes City Distance Tool (e.g., San Francisco to London = 5363 mi, 8631 km "as the crow flies")
Check the important things first ...
The New York Times | The Christian Science Monitor | BBC News | NPR (National Public Radio)
Reference materials:
EB [Encyclopædia Britannica] Online, including Britannica's Internet guide and the Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary
French < = > English Dictionary | German < = > English Dictionary | A list of various online dictionaries
Oanda.com (worldwide currency converter)
Because we're stuck with computers:
Micturated off, fed up, and frustrated? Go here: Windows 95/98 Annoyances
Corel Knowledge Base : For FAQs on excellent Corel products, including WordPerfect and CorelDRAW.
WordStar Users Group : Because there are still a loyal few.
PC Magazine : For reviews, even of Macs, and for great downloads.
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Last revised: Jan 2007.