Whether weather is good or bad:

AccuWeather  |  Weather Underground  |  The weather channel
Time and date.com for world dates and time (sunrise, sunset, etc.).
When it's good, go hiking in the TopoZone for topographic maps of the U.S.
And if it's a desert hike, look for wildflowers: Desert Wildflower Watch
    Don't miss the turn! (online mapping sites with driving directions):
MapQuest  | MapBlast  |  Yahoo  |  AAA  (members only)
Geobytes City Distance Tool (e.g., San Francisco to London = 5363 mi, 8631 km "as the crow flies")

    Check the important things first ...

The New York Times  |  The Christian Science Monitor  |  BBC News  |  NPR (National Public Radio)

    Reference materials:

EB [Encyclopædia Britannica] Online, including Britannica's Internet guide and the Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary
French < = > English Dictionary  |  German < = > English Dictionary   |   A list of various online dictionaries
Oanda.com (worldwide currency converter)

    Because we're stuck with computers:

Micturated off, fed up, and frustrated? Go here:  Windows 95/98 Annoyances
Corel Knowledge Base :  For FAQs on excellent Corel products, including WordPerfect and CorelDRAW.
WordStar Users Group : Because there are still a loyal few.
PC MagazineFor reviews, even of Macs, and for great downloads.

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Last revised: Jan 2007.