[Note: Entries are arbitrarily defined as three or fewer published pages long.]:
! (before a date) = a lengthy analytical review, which usually has a bibliography, which was published especially in Taxon, and which is also cited in Part G.
  1. 1970. (Schmid, R. & M. J. Schmid). Knuth's often overlooked "Handbuch der Blütenbiologie, III. Band." Ecology 51:357-358. Early spring.
  2. 1973. Planned obsolescence? Plant Sci. Bull. 19:25-26. June. [Commentary on book publishing.]
  3. 1975. (Schmid, R. & D. W. Stevenson). Arberia, a proposal for a new journal of structural botany. Taxon 24:493-494. Aug. Also in: Pl. Sci. Bull. 21:39-40. Sep.
  4. 1976. Fly pollination of Penstemon davidsonii and P. procerus (Scrophulariaceae). Madroño 23:400-401. July.
  5. 1976. (Schmid, R. & D. W. Stevenson). Agnes Arber, scientific reductionism, and the need for Arberia. Taxon 25:501-503. Aug.
  6. 1976. Needed, depositories for microslide collections. Taxon 25:526-527. Aug.
  7. 1977. Tracheary element secondary wall patterns and the definition of protoxylem and metaxylem. IAWA Bull. 1977:7-9. Undated (issue 1 of 4).
  8. 1977. Hello Darmera, good-bye Peltiphyllum. Fremontia 5(2):21-22. July.
  9. 1977. Ridding botany of its sexist terminology. Taxon 26:441-442. Aug. [Excerpt in Curr. Contents 1978(19):13; translated into German–see item #16 below.]
  10. 1979. Proposals on wood terminology. IAWA Bull. 1979:45-46. Undated (issue 2-3 of 4).
  11. 1979. The wood collection at the University of California, Berkeley. IAWA Bull. 1979:102. Undated (issue 4 of 4).
  12. 1983. Which-hunting, or whatever happened to that? Taxon 32:621-622. Nov.
  13. 1985. HI-IAPT Portraits of botanists no. 100. Philippe Édouard Léon van Tieghem. Taxon 34:188-189. Feb.
  14. 1985. (Schmid, R. & S. E. Ruzin). Der Borgnino-Typus der Sprossarchitektur. Naturwiss. Rundschau (Stuttgart) 38:154-155. Apr. [Spoof article. Translated into English–see item #35 below.]
  15. 1985. (Rothwell, G. W., C. B. Beck & R. Schmid). Objective science or evolutionary speculation?–a reply to P. B. Tomlinson. Taxon 34:269-271. May.
  16. 1985. Sexismus in der Botanik. Trans. by Roswitha Schmid. Naturwiss. Rundschau. 38:389-390. Sep. [Translation of item #9 above.]
  17. 1986. Comment on the bibliography of Flora Hawaiiensis by Mill et al. Taxon 35:314-315. May.
  18. 1987. Some nomenclatural and terminological aspects of jojoba. Jojoba Happenings 15(4):9. July-Aug.
  19. !1988. Takhtajan's latest system of classification for the angiosperms: Sistema Magnoliophytov, by A. Takhtajan. Taxon 37:422-424. May. [Essay review, with bibliography and new analytical information.]
  20. 1988. Professor Rogers returns. Taxon 37:987-988. Nov.
  21. 1989. Bibliographic comment on Roos's monograph on Drynarioideae (Polypodiaceae). Taxon 38:609-610. Nov.
  22. !1990. Wall charts (Wandtafeln)–remembrance of things past: The botanical atlas, by D. McAlpine. Taxon 39:471-472. Aug. [Essay review with new analytical information.]
  23. 1992. Baki Kasapligil. Flora N. Amer. Newslett. 6(2):13. Apr.-June. [Obituary.]
  24. 1992. Baki Kasapligil. Plant Sci. Bull. 38(2):8. Summer. [Obituary.]
  25. 1992. Baki Kasapligil, 1918-1992. Madroño 39:250. July-Sep. [Obituary.]
  26. 1992. Baki Kasapligil. Fremontia 20(4):30. Oct. [Obituary.]
  27. !1995. Flora of Victoria, vol. 2, by N. G. Walsh & T. J. Entwisle (ed.). Taxon 44:291-293. May. [Essay review, with bibliography.]
  28. 1995. Confessions of a Taxon "RevNot" editor. Lasthenia 7:3-5. Fall. [Expanded as: Schmid, R. 1996. Forty columns later: Confessions of the Taxon "RevNot" editor. Taxon. 188-190, 440. Feb., May.]
  29. 1996. Forty columns later: Confessions of the Taxon "RevNot" editor. Taxon 45:188-190, 440. Feb., May. [Expanded from: Schmid, R. 1995. Confessions of a Taxon "RevNot" editor. Lasthenia 7:3-5. Fall.]
  30. 1996. The Jepson manual's (1993) "Geographic subdivisions of California" cross-referenced (in alphabetical and geographical order) to counties. Fremontia 24(4):25-26. Oct.
  31. 1997. Charles (Charley) Edward Turner (1945-1997). Fremontia 25(4):32-33. Oct. [Obituary.]
  32. 1999. Name changes for accepted taxa in The Jepson manual. Fremontia 27(3):22-23. July.
  33. 1999. Botanical highlights of a March 1982 trip to southern Chile with Chris Brayshaw and Dekalb Russell. BEN: Botanical electronic news, no. 226, 1 July 1999 (archived at www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/ben).
  34. !1999. Botany manifold in St. Louis: The XVI International Botanical Congress. Taxon 48:870-872. Nov. [Review actually of the Aug. 1999 Congress.]
  35. 2000. (Schmid, R. & S. E. Ruzin). Borgnino's model, a new model of shoot architecture. BEN: Botanical electronic news, no. 247, 1 Apr. 2000 (archived at www.ou.edu/cas/botany-micro/ben). [Translation of item #14 above.]
  36. !2000. A curious Indian reissue of Agnes Arber's (1879-1960) classic work on herbals: Herbal plants & drugs: Their origin and evolution, 1st ed. (1912, 1999 reissue), by A. Arber, and Herbals, their origin and evolution, 3rd ed. (1986), by A. Arber, rev. by W. T. Stearn. Taxon 49:851-853. Nov. [Essay review, with bibliography and new analytical information.]
  37. 2001. Robert Williams Wood (1868-1955) and flornithology. The Linnean 17(1):19-20. Jan.
  38. 2003. DeKalb Russell, Jr. (1918-2001). Taxon 52(3):641-642. Aug. [Obituary.]
  39. 2004. The idiosyncratic numbering of The Linnean and the Society's annual reports (1984-2001). The Linnean 20(2):23-25. Apr.
  40. 2004. Scott, Dukinfield Henry (1854-1934). Pp. 1787-1789 (vol. 4) in B. Lightman (ed.), The dictionary of nineteenth-century British scientists, 4 vols. Bristol: Continuum International Publishing Group. July.
  41. 2004. IAPT Stafleu Medal 2002 to David B. Lellinger. Taxon 53(3):859-860. Aug.
  42. 2004. (Schmid, R. & Mena Schmid). Muriel Agnes Arber (1913-2004). Taxon 53(3):861. Aug. [Obituary.]  <link to the article on this site>

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